Douglas Card – Free Daintree Ferry Travel For FNQ Locals
Douglas Shire Council offers residents from Cardwell to Cooktown, including the Atherton Tablelands, free travel on the Daintree Ferry from 1st November until the end of February annually with a free “Douglas Card”.
This includes the following Council areas: Residents of the Douglas Shire Council, Mareeba Shire Council, Cairns Regional Council, Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire Council, Tablelands Regional Council, Cook Shire Council, Wujal Wujal Aboriginal Shire Council, Hope Vale Aboriginal Shire Council and Cassowary Coast Regional Council
Use of the Douglas Card is restricted to fare categories Motor Car and Utilities (private use), Pedestrians, Bicycles and Motor Bikes.
To obtain a free Douglas Card, applicants need to provide photographic identification and additional proof of residency with their application to confirm local status at any one of the above local government areas.
Daintree Ferry Concessional Travel
Council provides concessional travel on the Daintree River Ferry to all persons who fulfil the eligibility criteria, subject to the terms and conditions of the Daintree River Ferry Concessional Travel Policy being adhered to.
Concessional travel cards cost $24 for residents and ratepayers of the Douglas Shire or $54 for residents of Wujal Wujal and residents and ratepayers of the Cook Shire bounded by the Bloomfield River and the Black Mountain turn-off.
Application forms for a concessional travel card are available from Council’s Mossman Administration Building, the Mossman Library, the Port Douglas library kiosk or you can download a form below. A Visitor Ticket book of 55 is also available to concessional travel card holders who live in the Douglas Shire, north of the Daintree River for $24.
Concessional travel cards are valid until April 30, 2025, and are available from Council’s Mossman Administration Building, 64-66 Front St, Mossman.
Please note: we will have a price increase for concession cards on 1st July 2023. Cards & Visitors Tickets will increase to $25.00 each and Wujal Wujal / Cook Cards will increase to $57.00 each.